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2021 Senior Open (Dr. Furr) Ed Campbell Memorial

2021 SeniorOpenThe 2021 Senior Open was held on June 17, 2021 at Deer Run. Thirty-one participants spread across five age brackets competed in 18 holes of stroke play. Congratulations to each of the age bracket winners and thank you to all who participated in the event!

PHOTO: Pictured Left to Right: Paul George, Rod Figge, Brad Greenslaugh, Troy Heath, Don Capaldo

Age Bracket 1st 2nd 3rd
50-54 Paul George (79) Alan Brewer (84) --
55-59 Rod Figge (75) James Kelly (77) --
60-64 Brad Greenslaugh (89) Tim Brennan (94 tie)
Jeff Fuller (94 tie)
65-69 Don Capaldo (76) Dan Van Arsdale (77) Steve Schlicher (78 tie)
Rusty Pitt (78 tie)
70+ Troy Heath (78) Wally Winkler (79) Randy Thorton (83)